Weighing the Years

I’ve been going through old photos to have them scanned in. I stumbled upon older race photos and I couldn’t believe how thin I looked back then. Here’s one photo of me at the 1998 Boston Marathon. I thought I was heavy then (138-142 lbs.) compared to my race weight in college (132 lbs.). I started to put on weight over the years, while I was running less, working more, and my basal metabolism slowed. Right now, I’m about 150-155 lbs. with cycling having added lots of lower body muscle mass. I remember my old college trainer, Kris Zimmerman, seeing me at our 10th college reunion. She said, “Pete, you’ve turned into a cyclist.” I asked, “How did you know?” “Because your thighs have gotten huge,” she replied. Great…now I just need more upper body lifting to look like a body builder…:)

Cruising at the 1998 Boston Marathon

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