Changing Positions

Politicians often change positions just to get elected. Cyclists often change positions just to go faster. Even when we’ve found a position on our bike that seems to work well, we continue to tinker in an attempt to get just that little extra edge.

I’m just as guilty as the next guy. I’ve been professionally fit on 2 different TT bikes, but I continue to tweak it to my liking. I’m actually proud of my latest position, but I have yet to test it outdoors. I’ve got photos below of the 2008 TT setup on my old Kuota Kalibur, as well as my 2009 new position on my Isaac Aerotic.

You’ll notice that I’m lower in the front on the Isaac and my back is a little flatter. I also recently got a Spiuk Kronos TT helmet, because it seems to fit my back better than my older Bell Meteor.

The trick is to find the most aerodynamic position that still allows you to generate a significant amount of power. Well, it’s only March, so I have plenty of time to keep tweaking!



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