
I wanted to get some offroad riding in today and decided Waterfall Glen would be a good place.  The crushed limestone path is kosher for year round riding.  I thought it would be wet in a few spots, but it turned out to be one giant bowl of soup.  Most of the path was 1-2″ of quicksand.  I was able to ride 2 laps, but my drive train started to seize up so I went home to finish on the trainer.  I can’t complain, since it was fun to work on my bike handling and it was quite a workout (especially going uphill in a few spots).  Plus, it was sunny and in the mid-50s (when I got home, it was only 38 along the lake).

Here’s a photo of my CX bike after the ride.  Took some time to clean it.  Chainsuck, misshifts, I had it all on this ride. Oh, and don’t get me started on what my clothes looked like…


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